ADF 发布Android IOS 开发平台

来源:未知 责任编辑:责任编辑 发表时间:2013-11-17 14:39 点击:

从实现上看上使用ADF的JBO来实现业务逻辑,通过HTML5 build 页面。 看上去不错,改天有空玩玩。

Several unique aspects to Oracle ADF Mobile solution:
Develop once run on many - same code base used for both iOS and Android applicaitons
Uses Java - no need to learn device specific languages
Leverage ADF - same concepts you are familiar with (component based UI construction, taskflow, data controls)
Leverage JDeveloper - same development environment you know, same declarative and visual style.
Create native looking applications - HTML 5 based UI components (that you can also skin)
Use device services - Leverage the camera, SMS, location, contact etc without learning device specific APIs
Create Hybrid applications - run on the device and able to consume remote data and UI if neede

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