
来源:互联网 责任编辑:栏目编辑 发表时间:2013-07-01 16:02 点击:

1. What extracurricular activities were you involved in? What made you choose those? Which of them did you most enjoy, and why?

  2. What led you to select your major? You minor?

  3. Which of your courses did you like the least?

  4.Was there a course you found particularly challening?

  5.If you Were to start college over again tomorrom, what are the courses you would take?why?

  6.In college,how did you go about influencing someone to accept your ideas?

  7.Based on what you know of the job market,which of your courses were the most useful?The least?

  8. What advice would you give college student intending to go into your field?

  9. What are your most memorable experiences from college?

  10.What did you learn from your internships or work study experiences?

  11. Why dont I see internships or work-study experiences on you resume?

  12.In what courses did your worst grades? Why? How do you think that will affect your performance on the job?

  13.Why did you decide to go to college?

  14.How was your college education funded?

  15.What percentage of your college did you college did you pay for and what sort of jobs did you have while you were in school?

  16.Tell me a little about some of your extracurricular activities that would assist you in this job.

  17.Why are you working in a field other than the one in which you have a degree?

  18.What have you done to stay current in your field?

  19.Are you satisfied with the grades you received in school?

  20.Do you think your grades accurately reflect your ability?


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