IE8不会再有Beta版本 将直接过渡至RC

来源 责任编辑:栏目编辑 发表时间:2013-07-01 08:57 点击:

IE 8又一个Beta版本出来了,这也将是IE 8 RC前的最后一个测试版本。早在11月中旬时,微软IE部门总管Dean Hachamovitch就曾透露IE 8将会直接从Beta过渡到RC。而仅仅一个月之后,微软就向合作伙伴发放了测试版本。

“我们正在像测试者们发布最新的IE 8合作伙伴版,希望借此测试并找出问题。从这个版本中,用户可以看出我们的开发进度,当然,更多地还是用来测试Beta 2以来的错误是否得到了修正。我们相信该版本已经足够应付日常使用,但这并没有像里程碑版本一样进行了大范围的测试,因此,这个版本仅仅是供测试之用的。”

该版本IE 8的版本号为8.0.6001.18343,而IE 8 Beta 2为8.0.6001.18241,可以看出IE8 合作伙伴版是IE8 Beta2的继任者。但与Beta2不同的是,普通用户无法取得这一版本。

目前,微软并没有给出任何消息称何时会公开发布该版本。不过好在IE8 RC也即将在2009年初与大家见面了。

小编:从目前的趋势来看,无论是IE8,Vista SP2还是Windows 7,微软都省去了从Beta到RC之间臃肿的Beta1,Beta2...,微软似乎正在倡导一种“简洁”的理念,希望Windows 7真的能将“简洁”和“好用”融为一体。

附:Internet Explorer 8 Partner Build 8.0.18343下载


A new release of Internet Explorer 8 is available ahead of the Release Candidate Build. Back in mid-November 2008, Dean Hachamovitch, general manager, Internet Explorer, revealed that Microsoft was moving forward with the development process of IE8 straight from Beta stage to RC. At that time, Hachamovitch failed to mention any interim development milestones for the successor of Internet Explorer 7, but of course the IE GM was referring exclusively to public releases of the browser. In this regard, just a week short of a month later, Microsoft produced the IE8 Partner Build.

“We are releasing the IE8 Partner Build to the IE8 Technical Beta for you to help us test and find issues. This build represents a preview of our progress, and is best used to verify issues fixed since releasing Beta 2. While we believe it to be of adequate quality for you to use, is not as extensively tested as a milestone build, so it is not meant for the general public but only for testing purposes,” Microsoft's note to testers reads, according to Mary Jo Foley.



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