浅析约翰•高尔斯华绥的《苹果树》-A Brief Comment on

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[Abstract] John Galsworthy is one of the most prominent English critical realistic writer and playwright in the 20th century. His well-known medium-length novel The Apple Tree has shown a romantic realistic inclination. In this novel, Galsworthy tells us the love tragedy between Ashurst and Megan. It is found that the origin of the tragedy is the unequal capitalist society. Ashurst has dual personality. On one hand, he is selfish, irresponsible, eager to defend for himself and deceives himself as well as others; on the other hand, he indulges himself in pity and chivalry. John Galsworthy had not smashed the trammels of the capitalist system. Through his portrayal of Ashurst’s personality, his limitation revealed. On one hand he had realized the declining capitalist society; on the other hand, he intended to defend his own class. Pity and chivalry were just tools that he used to prettify the bourgeois. He wanted to use aesthetics in the literature to cover the ugly aspect of the bourgeoisie. He was a bourgeois himself.
The paper, on the basis of the previous findings, explores the essence of the bourgeoisie in The Apple Tree. It begins with the writing background of John Galswothy. Then it explores John Galsworthy’s portrayal of Ashurst’s personality, and it analyzes the origin of the tragedy. At last it analyzes the essence of “pity” and “chivalry”, and the romantic flavour shown in the story. It’s hoped that the present study will further study John Galsworthy and The Apple Tree.
[Key Words] The Apple Tree; dual personality; pity; chivalry; romantic; bourgeois


【摘 要】 约翰·高尔斯华绥是二十世纪英国著名的批判现实主义作家和剧作家。他的中篇小说《苹果树》表现出一种浪漫化的现实主义倾向。在这个故事中作者描写了阿舍斯特和梅根的爱情悲剧。通过分析本文发现造成这出悲剧的根本原因是不平等的资本主义社会。阿舍斯特的性格具有两面性:一方面是自私自利,不负责任,热衷于为自己辩护和自欺欺人;另一方面是沉溺在所谓的“怜悯”和“骑士精神”中。高尔斯华绥并没有冲破资本主义制度的束缚。通过他对阿舍斯特性格的刻画,他的阶级局限性也体现了出来:他一方面已经认识到了腐朽衰落的资本主义社会,并勇敢的把它揭示出来;另一方面他力图挽救资本主义制度,为本阶级寻找出路。怜悯和骑士精神是其对本阶级的美化,他企图用文学中的美来掩盖丑陋的资本主义。他本身就是一个资产阶级。
本文在前人分析的基础上探讨《苹果树》中体现的资产阶级的本性。 它首先分析高尔斯华绥的写作背景,其次分析他对阿舍斯特两面性性格的刻画,最后分析造成阿舍斯特和梅根爱情悲剧的根本原因。另外,本文还将分析 “怜悯”和 “骑士精神”的实质和浪漫色彩在小说中的体现。希望本文的分析能对高尔斯华绥及《苹果树》做进一步的了解。
【关键词】《苹果树》; 两面性;怜悯;骑士精神;浪漫化;资产阶级

1. Introduction
John Galsworthy, one of the winners of Nobel Prize for Literature, is one of the most prominent English criticized realistic writer and playwright. He takes the English background from the end of the 19th century to the 20th century as his setting, using naturalism as his writing method analyzing the moral and social problem of the English. His works have strongly attached the unequal capitalist society. In his realistic novels, he not only describes the everyday life of the upper class, but also reveals their mental outlook. He has shown great pity to the poor. He has written lots of works, such as The Forsyte Saga, A Modern Comedy and The End of the Chapter.

The Apple Tree, a medium-length novel, is also written by him. He says that it is one of his best five stories.[1] It is written in beautiful words and is worth reading. In this novel, Galswothy tells us the love tragedy between Ashurst and Megan. Ashurst first loves Megan for the reason of pity, and then deserts her also because of pity. This paper intends to examine Galsworthy’s handling of Ashurst’s personality, to uncover the essence of capitalist society, and to reveals the fact that John Galsworthy is a bourgeo
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